Our Mission:
To transform the future of Greater Fort Wayne by inspiring a community-encompassing effort to liberate and empower our community.
Our Vision:
We envision our community becoming a beacon where every man, woman, and child has an opportunity to thrive as they live out their inherent value and purpose.
Who We Are
Our Neutral Voices is an organization built by the people of the community to serve as the heart beat of Fort Wayne's black community. Our goal is to help the people of our community position themselves for a better life. To take ownership of the choices they need to make in order to accomplish and maintain a life outside of Poverty and Oppression through:
A Shift in Mindset
Rooted in Worth, and Confident in Identity
Grounded in Freedom and Hope
Ingrained in Economics, Culture, and Politics
Stronger Family Unit
Social Parity within Education, Health, and Justice
Financial Independence, Sustainable Prosperity
Our focus is to provide a space of trust and resources while building true relationships and educating through
our 5 Pillars, which is the Core of our Foundation.​
Our Neutral Voices, O.N.V, pours life into the Youth, Young Adults, and Adults. Providing resources, training, and teaching life skills to help with making better choices to maintain a better life. O.N.V. builds needed partnerships and establishes needed collaboration with other entities with aligning missions.
Spiritual Pillar
Bishop William Curry is the Spiritual Pillar Director. He is also a spiritual leader of a local church and Head Chaplain of the Allen County Jail, in Indiana. Bishop Curry and other local pastors mentor, counsel, and teach the Word of Faith that restores hope to men, women, and our youth. This spiritual program brings meaning, purpose, and the needed change to the heart and mind of each individual that will help the unity and involvement in our community.
Mental Health Pillar
Crystal Kelly is the Mental Health Pillar Director and a Mental Health Therapist who collaborates with other Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Family & Marriage Therapists, and Social Workers to help clients with coping skills and managing client's Mental Health. This will increase stability, confidence, self-worth for individuals and stronger family units.
Educational Pillar
Christopher Riley is the Educational Pillar Director and the Academic Advisor at Ivy Tech with 28+ yrs in Education. Christopher, along with other Educators, facilitate and utilize the curriculum in place to decrease the dropout rate by assisting students and adults in decision making for their future. These opportunities enhance their skills and equip them for success as an employee or business owner, which will improve the economy in our community.
Clifton Latham is the Founder of, A Brighter Day Arts Academy. Clifton's team of qualified instructors teach all ages, a multifaceted curriculum, in the arts that result in character building and skill development, producing a confident and well-rounded person that will be an asset and have opportunities to give back to our community.
Financial Pillar
J.J. Foster is the Financial/Economic Pillar Director along with other Licensed, Certified Financial Advisors, and Bankers to educate students and adults to be financially independent and attain sustainable prosperity, which in turn will enrich the community.
Sports Pillar
Michael Ayers is the Sports Pillar Director and Coach/Mentor for over 40 yrs. Coach Ayers joins with other local, experienced, and trained Coaches to conduct youth and adult programs, educational classes and social enrichment activities, plus building the sports program to focus on the goal of building and creating a strong community. The sports program makes a positive impact, develops skills, educates, and mentors for a disciplined mind and body that will create leaders in our community.
How To Support Our Neutral Voices
*Like and share our Facebook Page
*Follow us on YouTube
*Tell your friends and family about us
*Donate Time and Resources
in helping transform our community, through our 5 Pillar program,
by educating and shifting the mindset of the people of our community to maintain
a life outside of Poverty and Oppression."